
岩手県 観音寺


岩手県 観音寺

お釈迦様の時代から約2400年、曹洞宗の宗祖、道元禅師の時代から約800年、長い時を経て科学や技術が進歩して、 人々の生活や環境は大きく様変わりしました。しかし、一方で変わらないものも多くあります。 2400年前の人も800年前の人も、現代人と同じように、子育てで悩んだり、病気や障害で苦しんだり、 組織の中で人間関係に悩んだり、今の自分を変えたいと悩んだり、老いて心身の不調に苦しんだり、 介護に悩んだり、多くの同じような悩みを抱えていたのであろうと言うことは想像に難くありません。 そして、それらの悩みや苦しみから解脱するために生れたのが、仏教であり、 曹洞宗であります。法事で脚が痺れるのを我慢して座ったり、葬式で長い意味不明なお経を聞くのだけが 仏教なのではなく、自分が抱える様々な悩みや苦しみから自分自身を救うのが本来の仏教なのです。 私自身も仏教と出逢い、仏教に救われました。そして、これを読む皆さんにも、本当の仏教とは何なのか? 安楽の法門ってどんな感じなのか?など、共に楽しみながら探求していって貰いたい、 救いを体験して貰いたい、そう強く願っております。 もし、ご興味を持たれましたら、是非、国際参禅道場 観音寺にお越しください。 合掌。

鉄牛山 観音寺 住職 山本鉄斎

About 2,400 years since Buddha's era, about 800 years since the time of Dogen Zen master, science and technology has advanced over a long period of time, the lives and the environment of people have changed drastically. However, there are many things that will not change on the other hand. People around 2,400 years ago and 800 years ago, like modern people, It is not difficult to imagine that we were suffering from mental and physical problems and having many similar problems, like suffer from child rearing, suffer from diseases and disorders, suffer from human relations within the organization, suffer from wanting to change themselves, suffering from nursing care. So Buddhism Soto Zen were born to disengage from those troubles and sufferings. It is the original Buddhism to save ourselves from the various troubles and sufferings that you have. Sitting on long time and listening to the long meaning unknown sutra at the funeral are not Buddhism . I myself met Buddhism and was saved by Buddhism. And I also strongly wish that everyone reading this will want to experience salvation. What is real Buddhism? What is entrance of healing? I would like to explore while enjoying together. If you are interested, please come to Kanonji International Zen Temple.

Zen Master Tessai Yamamoto




1971年に開基 佐々木継之介氏により原野が寄進され、伴鉄牛老師の発願により 坐禅堂・庫裡・居士寮・大姉寮の建立が始まる。
平和観音菩薩像を奉讃したいと言う平林ハルエ氏の祈願を受け、 1972年に平和観音菩薩像を安置する仮本堂が完成。
その後10年間に渡り、坐禅堂・管長室・方丈・単頭寮・監寺寮・典座寮・居士寮・大姉寮・ 信徒寮を完成させてゆく。
1975年、タイのパグナム寺院で長く修行された黒田武志老師がタイ王室より仏舎利(お釈迦様の遺骨) をお預かりになり、それを国際参禅道場である観音寺に奉納される。


Volunteer people who admire Harada Roshi gather, "Morioka Zen Party" will be established.
Wild field was donated by Mr. Shinnosuke Sasaki in 1971, and it began to built with the request of Ban Roshi.
The members of Morioka Zen Party and the disciples began to collect donation.
By the requests of Mrs. Hirabayashi Harue who wanted to dedicate the statue of the Bodhisattva Peace Kannon, In 1972 the temporary main building was established to lay the statue of the Bodhisattva Peace Kannon.
The members of Morioka Zen Party and the disciples kept on collect donation more and more.
In 1973 the main hall was started to build, and in 1974 the main hall where the statue of the Peace Kannon Bodhisattva was placed was completed.
Over the next ten years we completed various buildings.
In 1975, Takeshi Kuroda, a long-held practitioner at Pagunam Temple in Thailand, entrusted the remains of Buddha from the Thai royal family, and is dedicated to Kanonji international Zen Temple.
Disciples kept on collect donation more and more for building stupa tower.
Beginning in 1977, a stupa tower was established in 1987.

Roshi・・・Japanese honorific of Zen Master



曹洞宗の戒律継承者である原田祖道嚇照(1844-1931)は 永平道元(1200-1253)から31代目の曹洞宗の老師であり、 毒湛(1840-1917)は白隠慧鶴(1686-1769)から8代目の臨済宗の老師である。
1871年に福井県の小浜市で生まれる。7歳の時に曹洞宗の寺院に小僧として入り、高校生まで過ごす。 20歳の時に臨済宗の正眼寺僧堂で修行し、1年半から2年で見性体験を得た。 その後、曹洞宗、臨済宗の双方の高僧を歴参・師事し、 曹洞宗でありながら臨済の公案を採り入れた独自の指導法を確立される。 また、1911年から1923年の間、駒澤大学教授を勤められた。 原田老師は90歳まで各寺で接心を指導し、数多くの弟子を育成された。

Harada Sogaku (1844-1931), a successor to Soto sects, is an man of the 31st generation from Eihei Dogen (1200-1253). Born in Obama City, Fukui Prefecture in 1871. When he was seven years old, he entered the temple of Soto sect as a small priest and spent time in high school. At the age of 20, he trained at the Shogenji temple in Rinzai sect and achieved enlightenment from one year and a half to two years. After that, he studied the high priests of both Soto sect and Rinzai sect, and established his own teaching method which adopted a question for Zen meditation though it is Soto sect. Also, he was a professor at Komazawa University from 1911 to 1923. Harada Roshi instructed the "Seshin" at each temple until the age of 90, and teached many disciples.

Seshin・・・One of Zen event



1910年に岩手県花巻市に生まれる。7歳の時に曹洞宗の寺院に小僧として入り、淵沢知明老師に就いて得度し、曹洞宗の僧となる。 1931年から1938年まで発心寺専門僧堂で修業し、1938年から1941年まで駒沢大学に進学した。 1947年から発心寺専門僧堂の単頭となり、1948年には岩手県法恩寺の単頭となって東照寺の住職となった。 原田老師から允可を得、岩手県の観音寺、大分県の鉄牛寺を建立した。 精力的に全国の寺院で接心の指導や仏教の布教に従事し、1996年に寂滅、享年87歳。

He studied under Harada Roshi and cultivated a large number of disciples including foreigners. Born in 1910 in Hanamaki City, Iwate Prefecture. As a boy at the age of 7, he entered as a small priest in the temple of Soto Sect and became a monk of Soto Sect under Tanzawa Chimyo Roshi. From 1931 to 1938 he studied at Hosshinji temple and went on to Komazawa University from 1938 to 1941. Since 1947, he became an executive at Hosshinji temple, and in 1948 he became executive at Houonji Temple in Iwate Prefecture, and became a top of Toshoji temple. He achieved enlightenment from Harada Roshi, and he build Kanonji temple in Iwate prefecture, and also build Tetsugyuji temple in Oita prefecture. He instructed the "Seshin" at each temple in japan until the age of 87, and teached many disciples. He died in 1996.



1945年10月10日に台湾に生まれる。26歳の時に東京の東照寺の門を叩き、3年間、近くのアパートから 毎朝東照寺へ通う。その後、29歳の時に仏前結婚し、得度して入寮し、伴老師に師事する。 1972年から1975年までの3年間、東照寺で修業し、その間、曹洞宗・臨済宗問わず様々な修行道場の接心 などに参加し、只管打坐の修行の日々を送られる。1978年から長野県の常福寺の住職として赴任し、 仏教の教化に邁進され、老朽化した本堂を改修し、坐禅堂を新築される。 1989年からは引退された伴老師の跡を引き継ぎ、観音寺の住職に就任される。 その後、2000年に奥様を亡くされるも、30年近く精力的に住職の勤めを果たされ続け、 現在も、小・中学生、各種団体などの坐禅体験教室などを通して、布教活動に精力的に取り組んでいる。

He studied under Ban Roshi, faithfully took over the teachings of Ban Roshi, and he is training individual disciples including foreigners. Born in Taiwan on October 10, 1945. At the age of 26, he knocked on gate of Toshoji in Tokyo and went to Toshoji temple every morning from the nearby apartment for three years. After that, when married by the style of Buddhism at the age of 29, he got enter the dormitory, and studied under Ban Roshi. During the three years from 1972 to 1975, he studied at Toshoji temple. During that time, he participated in various sorts of training temples, not only Soto Sect, Rinzai Sect but also spending time Zen training. Since 1978 he arrived as a chief priest of Zyofukuji temple in Nagano prefecture, is promoted to the education of Buddhism, refurbished old main hall, newly built a Zen hall. Since 1989 he took over the trace of the retired Ban Roshi and was appointed the priest of Kanonji temple. Later, in 2000 he lost his wife, but he continued to serve monks as energetically for nearly 30 years. Even now, through Zen experience classes such as elementary and junior high school students and various organizations, he is energetically working on missionary activities.

岩手県 観音寺